If you want to eat at the ranch, you have to help with the work….
whether it’s feeding horses…

repairing a disk:

or shucking corn on the cob for dinner.
After the work is finished, you can rest your weary dogs ! And drink a little iced tea !

The proper way to Shuck Corn:
A Recipe: Corn on the Cob in Tin Foil on the Grill:
Take the husks off and clean off the silks. Using a piece of foil larger than the ear of corn, place the corn in the middle of the foil. Rub butter all over the corn and sprinkle salt and any other seasoning you like. Wrap the foil around the corn and place it on the grill. Roll the ears occasionally to make sure the corn cooks evenly.
After about 10 minutes, stick a fork through the foil to test . Kernels will be soft when the corn is done. Remove from the grill and cool for a bit. Take the foil off and enjoy !
Happy Summer Days !!