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One Word for 2022

Kate Barker

My Word this year is RISK:

For me that means:

allowing myself to BELIEVE a promise from God

letting go of fear

a willingness to start over without the need to control the outcome

accepting vulnerability

cherishing surprises

I’ve been wrestling with what I believe the Lord has promised…because that promise looks impossible. I have created every kind of scenario in my mind in which this promise might be fulfilled, but the truth is, right now, I cannot see a way that it could even remotely materialize. The “what ifs” swirl. What if my heart ends up mangled…again? What if I end up mournfully disappointed…again? What if I cry…again?

I believe the Lord is challenging me. “Do you trust me? Can you risk not knowing for sure? Can I surprise you?”

There are lots of areas of my life that I have NO FEAR and trust my Lord completely without question.

I’m not saying I haven’t struggled…I’ve had my share of wrangling with the Lord. In the LONG HAUL, though, He has always embraced me and walked with me. When the miracles I’d prayed for didn’t happen, He carried me through the sorrow. He compelled me to come up out of the deepest darkest pit I’ve ever been in. It took a while. I had no faith there would ever be sunshine again.

My life with the Lord has never been a fast-food experience. It’s more like the slow food movement…cooked slowly and eaten and enjoyed for maximum benefit. This journey has magnified my experience and joy. I’m continually amazed by the boundless depth and immeasurable span of His reach and His love.

And yet, in this lovely New Year, here I stand on a precipice…wondering if I am willing to RISK once again?

How can I not RISK? My Lord has always been faithful.

I’m choosing to ASK, SEEK and KNOCK. I’m going to believe that it will be given to me, that I will find, and that the door will be opened to me!

(Matthew 7:7--ASK: and it will be given to you; SEEK: and you will find; KNOCK: and the door will be opened to you).

Do you have a WORD or a Bible Verse for 2022? I’d love to hear about yours!


May 21, 2023

Gotta 'nother 1 for ya,

miss gorgeous, in my

lifelong demise, in my


PS: Gonna! wanna! gimme gotcha! giveth unto thee summorr thotzNideers; gotta gobba lotta vivid nada wurdz on me x-tra-effusive-reality, BOMB!astic, .44-caliber-blogOrammathon: I'll VitSee you Upstairs, dear, where we'll RITE oemnillions-O-novels... if you 1. love Jesus; 2. love thy neighbor; 3. pray for 'em as I do you. Q: wanna live in the Great Beyond and RITE atrocious-roller-derby/røkket-füel-wurdz-4-God, Civilization's Psychoanalyst?? A: trust-N-jesus!!! Thus, we won't have any trouble stickin' our Bore E. Alice in craZZy 7thHeaven (and other, pricelessXplosiveXponentials, ya gorgeous, wild flower you). sHe's also an eternity of paper/pens + EightHundredEighty8 hours-per-day + Time's totally irrelevant'n 7thHeaven = Wot'dyagot if you turn 8 on her side?? ETERNITY!! WooHooXtraGnarlyNRG!!!! Wannum?? They're deliciousNutritious. Love ya... Cya soon... be@peace... -Sto'Bot


May 18, 2023

'Dream your dreams about what YOU want to do in Heaven; dare to ask for the impossible and all the gifts YOU have ever wanted from Me. Expect Me to hear YOU and fulfill your every desire' -Jesus •(from 'Lui et Moi' [He and I] by Gabrielle Bossi, trænslatêd)• Follow us to the Wedding Feast for a raw, rowdy, rambunctious reality: ☆ ☆

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