I don’t remember the first time I tasted it. It must have been in the South someplace. My Grandmother didn’t make it, and not one of my Aunties made it.My Mom didn’t either. One day, somewhere, at some time, I tasted it and fell in love. And I have held Sweet Potato Pie in high regard ever since !
I adapted this recipe from a storybook full of recipes: Sweety Pies by Patty Pinner. She says, “What a woman cooks is a window into her womanly personality—what she thinks, how she behaves, how she feels about herself and the people she cooks for.” I’m still mediating on this little quote, wondering what the full implications could be ? If she means, what a woman cooks, when she cooks, well then, that might open a window into my “womanly personality”.
Frankly, sometimes, I don’t cook. I eat cottage cheese and yogurt or a bolonga sandwich with mayo. I use whole wheat bread though. I think this means I’m flexible, healthy and maybe not in the mood to clean up a cooking mess ! I am blessed though….. I have a Sweet Husband who is an excellent cook and he enjoys it.
When I do cook, I love to bake this Sweet Potato Pie. My family and friends keep coming back for seconds. If there is any left, we have pie for breakfast ! I’m sure your family will want second helpings too.
Sweet Potato Pie
9″ Pie crust
3 medium sweet potatoes
2 large eggs