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My “Honky Tonk” Man Sings at Maritime Restaurant

Kate Barker

My “Honky Tonk Man” sang, ” Momma, Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Cowboys” at the Maritime Restaurant & Bar on California Street in Redding. . Roger & Casey, friends from the Oregon Street Antique Mall (, were guest bartenders at Maritime Friday night. We stopped by for a drink, and to say hi. Uni, owner of Maritime, ask Phil if he would sing. How did she know he could sing ? Maybe she randomly ask people if they would like to sing? I don’t know. She is very sweet and wants everyone to have a good time at her establishment. I said, “He knows lots of country western tunes”. Phil and Jimmy Bryant, the talented, and very accommodating musician who was playing that evening, decided on a Waylon Jennings tune. Phil is a gifted singer, but his audience is usually a church congregation, and he usually brings his guitar.

Phil has been singing since I’ve known him. And that’s a long time now. He’s always played a guitar or banjo and he’s always written songs. Whether he is working, driving, or plowing a field, he’s usually mulling over a “tune”.

He had lots of practice. He sang to our children every night at bedtime. Now, in their mid-twenties and early thirties, they have fond memories of his version of various Bob Dylan, Waylon Jennings, Willie Nelson, Johnny Cash, or Tim Harden tunes.

Jimmy asked Phil to send him some cowboy music so he’d be ready the next time we stopped by. I told you, he was accommodating ! Well, we just might hunt up some of those old “honky tonk” tunes…it was sure fun !

“Happy Trails To You”, and may all your infusions be fun, Kate


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