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Cream of Wheat..and a stroll down Memory Lane

Kate Barker

Updated: Apr 12, 2021

My Sweet Husband and I were standing in the kitchen, discussing breakfast options. The wind whipped the tree branches back and forth and the rain pounded on the roof. We rattled off several possible choices; an omelet with sausage, waffles with whipped cream, scrambled eggs and toast, Cream of Wheat.

Rainy mornings and Cream of Wheat…a comfort food..stirring happy memories of childhood and those fun-filled years of rushing to have a healthy, yummy breakfast for three lively kids before they bolted out the door to catch the school bus.

I settled on Cream of Wheat. Warm mush ! I like my Cream of Wheat with butter and sorghum. Sorghum is similar to molasses, but much better !

I’ve never been able to find sorghum in grocery stores in California, so I am forced to ship a case home from my favorite supplier, an Amish family in Dunnegan, Missouri.

(This is my sorghum stash !)

Whenever I dip into my sorghum cache, I am instantly transported to Amish country.

It is another world. Quiet country roads…rolling green hills…and signs that remind us to share our space.

And then I begin to reminiscence about My Grandpa’s Farm. A lovely Amish family purchased his farm after he died.

He would be blessed to see how they have loved and cared for his farm.

They expanded the house…(they have 10 children)….and resurrected the outhouse.

(My Grandpa did not have an indoor toilet or shower until 1978. He never did get around to tearing down the old outhouse and it stands today where it stood when we were kids. Showering, before he built the indoor bathroom, meant you filled a 5 gallon bucket, which sat the roof of the cellar, with warm water. You proceeded down the steps into the dark cellar, stripped down, turned on the water using a valve on a hose, soaped up, hurrying and hoping to have enough water to rinse ! We thought it was like camping out !)

They repaired the roof and are still using the beautiful rock barn My Grandpa built…….

Wow..with a bowl of Cream of Wheat and sorghum I had a stroll down memory lane !!

Now it’s time for tea !

Happy Infusions,



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