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Chicken (or Turkey) In Every Pot… Pie

Kate Barker

Updated: Apr 12, 2021

It seemed like the perfect evening for a pot pie. Rainy and chilly .

Our guys are at the ranch, braving the cold, taking care of cows, and fixing an old yellow truck and two chain saws. They are killing mice and stalking one sneaky raccoon that has taken up residence in our fruit shed.

My daughter and I decided to make a chicken pot pie and watch chick flicks !

Pot pies usually describe a method, rather than a recipe. Generally, a pot pie is a crusted pie made with poultry or meat and chopped vegetables in some kind of sauce. A little trivia note: the first frozen pot pie was made by Swanson in 1951.

This recipe is delicious and perfect for leftover turkey.

We just put the chicken and vegetables in the crust, now it’s ready for the oven.

Ready for serving.

Tender flaky crust, yummy chicken and vegetables….oh so good !

Chicken or Turkey Pot Pie


2 pastry crust (bottom & top) to fit your casserole or pie dish

6 tablespoons butter

6 tablespoons flour


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